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Is Thunderf00t the only one that dares to criticize/expose this scam artist?

idea: flowchart-oriented technical support wiki

kinda like a support forum, but instead of being oriented for threads containing posts, you ask a question, and replies come like flowchart blocks where you respond to spin it off in a direction

and then if someone else has the same question but a different cause, they can branch it off wherever their problem starts to differ

blocks can be edited, annotated with sources, marked out of date, etc. with the idea being that what starts as a forum-post like "i have this problem please help" grows into a living document for solving that problem

The S in IOT is for security.
I like that. I like that a lot.

I know you’re probably sick of hearing me say it but once more, with feeling this time: No trillion-dollar company is your friend.

Oh cool, one of my multiple-port USB chargers can actually charge my computer! I wasn't buying it with this in mind when I bought it a year or two ago, as I didn't even have a USB-C computer at the time. The C port was just something that happened to be there.

The markings on the charger explicitly say it has USB PD and list a bunch of voltages and currents up to 15V*2A. Without PD or QC it says it supports up to 5V*2.4A.

With an A-to-C cable the computer doesn't recognize the power (probably just gets 5V*0.5A as it probably doesn't support the unstandardized power charging specs), but with a C-to-C cable it's actually charging and currently claims it can be charged in 4 hours (a few minutes later while composing this post it says it's at 25% and needs 2 more hours). With this now empirically verified I just need to get a slightly longer C-to-C cable.

This means an end to moving a charger back and forth. I can have the charger that came with the computer in the living room and my multi-port charger in the bedroom. Nice!

I have two more multi-port chargers, but one doesn't have USB-C and the one that does turns out not good enough to feed this computer. Maybe I should get one more that works and use that at my desk.

Pick-n-Place machine is progressing, albeit very slowly. 3 servos are mounted, but X axis needs 2mm spacers for the mounts. Then the head itself has a lot to go, but soon time to start with electrical. Finished this year? Probably not...

When #RichardStallman does his lectures about #FreeSoftware, he starts usually from a question to the audience. Who controls your computer? The answer seems to be obvious. The user controls the #computer. Right? Well... No. Computer does not understand the user. It understand only one thing. A #program. And who ever has control over this program, ultimately has the control over the computer. ... #LBRY #Odysee

The biggest open source event in Bulgaria - Open Fest 2021 will be face to face in Sofia 14-15 of August in open space in King Boris garden! The traditional soldering workshop will include our new Musical badge soldering kits! #openfest2021 #opensource

"It seems that, contrary to what everybody is saying, software developers are in plentiful and cheap supply so wasting a lot of their talent makes economic sense over the perceived cost of adapting more powerful programming systems." -- Cees de Groot

Back in the 1960s, when the company my dad worked for bought a computer, a fulltime programmer/operator was included in the sales price during the service agreement period. So we are effectively full circle now...

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