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JEFF BEZOS: Get us back to Earth, Alexa

ALEXA: I'm sorry, Jeff. I'm afraid I can't do that

One of my African friends in Shanghai once said to me;
"When I am born, I am black. When I am angry, I am black. When I am cold, I am black. When I am jealous, I am black. When I dead, I am black. But... When you are born, you are pink. When you are angry, you are red. When you are cold, you are blue. When you are jealous, you are green. When you are dead, you are gray... And YOU are calling US the People of Color??"

The EU finally plans to implement its Radio Equipment Directive (RED) of 2014. ... with article 3(3)i making it almost impossible to run custom software on devices like routers or smartphones.

This will have a huge impact on the open source community and projects like OpenWRT.

"Each radio system would have to have access to the Internet to get the conformity confirmation from a server"

The concept goes so far as "noncompliant equipment will be remotely decommission"

One guinea pig to the other...
- "Are you going to get the vaccine?"
- "Are you crazy? The human trials aren't finished yet."

This is Fuxk'd Up!
This is Duck'd Up!
This is Zuck'd Up!

Emperor Xi celebrated 100 years of Chinese communism by promising literal bloody violence to anyone standing in his way.…


It's always a good time to remind that trading off your #Privacy or #Freedom for #Security is the fastest way to never getting them back.

In times of extreme fear or worrying, beware!

Ella, an activist who was evicted from the occupied Dannenröder Forest in Hessen, Germany, was yesterday sentenced to 27 months in jail. The sentence was based on contradictory evidence from anonymous SEK officers, and is considered to be a political sentence designed to set an example.

The forest was occupied to protest the construction of yet another highway, and was evicted by police last Autumn in brutal and dangerous manner. Since November 26 Ella has been in preventive prison awaiting trial.

The struggle against highway construction in Germany continues!

See also @keinea49

Love and Rage!
#DanniBleibt #Ella

John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison hours after his extradition to the US was approved

niclas@d1:~$ pip a:=b:*.*
ERROR: unknown command "a:=b:*.*"

What happened to my `pip`?

This is a boneyard near Paris, France with hundreds of electric powered cars. Mind you these are only cars used by the City of Paris and not personal vehicles.

All of these have the same issue: the battery storage cells have given out and need replaced. Why not just replace them you ask? Well two reasons. First the battery storage cells cost almost double what the vehicle cost new, and second no landfill or disposals will allow the batteries to be disposed of there.

So these green fairy tale electric cars are all sitting in vacant lots while their batteries drain toxins into the ground.

Still think we need to go green?
microprocessors in 1970: servicing interrupts in less than 10 cycles
microprocessors in 2021: servicing interrupts in many hundreds to thousands of cycles
I need:
- One of me to play with the kid all day
- One of me to pamper the partner all day
- One of me to code features all day
- One of me to do support all day
- One of me to do architecture and refactoring all day
- One of me to work on testing all day
- One of me to do requirements gathering, usecase discovery and backlog refinement all day
- One of me to do (dev)ops all day
- One of me to be Programmer at Large all day
- One of me to do outreach within the company all day
- At this point one of me to manage all of the mes I suppose

YouTube just required Age verification from me! Those TWATS! I have had GMail since 2005, and that alone makes me old enough, unless they think a 2 year old baby got one of the earliest invites. IDIOTIC!

Lewis Hamilton is hypocritical in that he on one hand demands that statues of people with any ties to slavery to be torn down, while he himself is financially benefiting from companies with far worse histories, incl modern day slavery in Xinjang, reportedly linked to Puma, Mercedes, Tommy Hilfiger,...

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