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Lewis Hamilton is hypocritical in that he on one hand demands that statues of people with any ties to slavery to be torn down, while he himself is financially benefiting from companies with far worse histories, incl modern day slavery in Xinjang, reportedly linked to Puma, Mercedes, Tommy Hilfiger,...

#GMail is harmful to e-mail ecosystem; its antispam blocking policy matches too many valid messages as spam.

It blocked LastPass email leak warning email, because it contained "a link" to a leaked site.

It blocked an e-mail from goverment agency addressed directly to me.

It discriminates all non-gmail servers, and it's pretty much impossible to own a private SMTP server these days, because GMail will classify everything as spam.

It's not how e-mail should work.

Consider dropping GMail.

tired: 2021
wired: new m68k AmigaOS 3.2 just released with absurdly long changelog and new features.

Just published Google lawsuit evidence indicates that like always retained users' location data, even if disabled in user interface, to the extent that its own employees flashed LineageOS on their phones to avoid tracking. Full thread on

#privacy #google

Folks on Twitter: if you notice that my account has unfollowed yours, please don’t take it personally: I’m running a browser extension to unfollow all accounts.


Read: Hell site (

TL; DR: I’ve had enough of dealing with shit-stirring asshole algorithms :)

I’ll continue to forward posts from my own Mastodon instance so, if you want to keep up with Small Tech/Web stuff, you can still follow my posts, if you like. (I’ll also read replies/respond when I can.)

andrew lee just seized over 700 channels on freenode because they mentioned in their topic.

This includes projects like openbsd, wikimedia, FOSDEM, etc. shows 720 channels that match what is being checked.

here's an example log:

boost this if you care about foss in any way.

my friend who teaches kids, just schooled me on tentacles vs arms

Wellfare system in Sweden DESTROYS wealth; The assistant that comes to help my aging mother destroyed one of her lamp post, didn't stop to take responsibility for it... So the "service" cost money per visit, plus cost in destruction of property.

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Angry People are Most Welcome! Vent your frustration and go nuts on things that irritates you.