ENROLL TODAY: The Coopsters Is Offering A 2-Week Course Entitled 'Canceled 101': "If you are the type of person that has original thoughts, you will be canceled sooner or later. I can teach you how to maintain your integrity and self-respect when the 'shit hits the fan'."


@mashex Thanks for (just) the tip. I've reached out to him: twitter.com/thecoopsters/statu

There is going to be a need for a new "Joe Rogan." Let me tell you, I have alien theories galore, consciousness theories, death theories, BigXXX conspiracy theories, am educated, am apolitcal, and I'm immune to ridicule/hate/etc. cause I'm blessed with angrytoday.com/@thecoopsters/1.

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@thecoopsters I have only one theory and it's that your BDE is the only thing that could've caused the formation of stars and galaxies. There's just not enough mass in the universe for it to make sense otherwise. More engorgement is required!

@mashex OMG. What is that? I couldn't stop looking at it even though I know its probably something absolutely disgusting.

@thecoopsters haha, these things are just part of our collective imagination for now. I wouldn't know the ritual to bring them into meatspace.

Imogen is a bot that responds to text prompts with images generated from initial noise. Internally she does a back & forth between her "vqgan" and her "clip." What does it say about us that we were thinking about "just the tip" within 24hrs of each other?

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