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Larken is once again crystal clear about what modern socialists/communists can't get through their head... being kind and generous requires property rights and ownership.

@useless_idiot @TylerAbeoJordan But also play games, because games are very cool. Play them with friends, in the same room. Have a LAN party.
Bring boardgames for when someone blows the circuit with a toaster.
the sad part is that many people ended up both killing their own children, and vehemently advocating that others do so as well. that's a hard pill for most people to swallow.

yes people were mislead, but that doesn't absolve them of culpability for the aggressive coercion, slandering, gaslighting and vitriol directed towards those who were trying to warn them.

people need to take a serious look in the mirror so that they never again jump on a bandwagon driven by irrational fear and authoritarian reflexes, and end up killing their own kids in the process. whether it's excused by scientism, religion, or any other bs excuse is irrelevant. wise tf up!

so, @settinger designed and printed a comic sans typewriter ball so we're testing it on my IBM selectric this afternoon and it totally does work!

"No hacker is sitting at your login prompt and tries to guess your password "

as a certified hacker, no indeed. Usually I sit at my own account login and try to guess my own password

I did not know this before, but this is why it is called uppercase and lowercase characters. Learning every day.

"Fa Bd Comics" books on SCAMazon: don't buy them. A new article on the blog about the worst publisher reusing my artworks and the one of the Pepper&Carrot community. Full story here:

Annoying people by referring to websites and ebooks as volatile media :blobcatnompopsicle:
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