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So I've been building a 100% analog polyphonic synthesizer with an unique twist. To use only vacuum tube era technology from the 1930s.

Over 300 neon gas diodes create the sound you hear. Pretty awesome for technology from 100 years ago.

Still a work-in-progress, but I wanted to post a video of it with the innards spread out across the workbench. : }

I call it the "Neon String Machine"

#synthesizers #music #electronics #audio #synthwave

So uh.

I was let go from my job yesterday.

If anyone knows someone looking for an Embedded/Firmware/C developer, please let me know

Let me be as blunt as I can. #CloudFlare wants to own the entire Internet. Everything they do, however cool and good it may seem, is in service of that goal.

They're well on their way, seeing as they're being used by more than 20% of the entire web already.

All of this is legal and "Good Capitalism™".

What can you do?


If every proponent of the "jabs" could be as intellectually honest as Scott Adams.... unlike the weasel Sam Harris who is just an apologetic like the worst creationist that he so much despises.

The Fediverse.

- No corporations to contact if you need to get in touch with them, like complaining or getting support or whatever.

- No corporations to contact. :ablobcatbongo:

“Guys copyright law is fine, in fact necessary. It protects small artists! Piracy is wrong.”

Copyright law:

"To be a moral human being, requires you to have no respect for authority." -- Larken Rose

"Identify chemicals with radio frequencies - Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (MRI without magnets) | Applied Science"

“The #fediverse is like #email.”


Now read this and understand it:

“I have been self-hosting my email since I got my first broadband connection at home in 1999 … But my emails are just not delivered anymore. I might as well not have an email server.

Email is now an oligopoly, a service gatekept by a few big companies which does not follow the principles of net neutrality … I lost. We lost. One cannot reliably deploy independent email servers.“

Via @cancel

History in pics: Testing prototype Roomba's in 1982. It would take two decades until they could be made small enough to clean under a couch.

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Angry Today?

Angry People are Most Welcome! Vent your frustration and go nuts on things that irritates you.