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Oops that's a big surprise (no) : #Twitter asked you for your phone number supposedly to secure your account, but in fact they sold it to advertisers to make money. Combined with your email address, of course. For 6 years (until September 2019). Don't trust #BigTech on #Privacy 🌬️

If the western powers aren’t going to honour Russian physical property outside their borders, there’s no reason at all to honour western Intellectual property within their borders.

This is just horrible. It's terrible that it is almost desensitizing that these shootings keep happening. But it speaks to a terrible problem created, fabricated by the state.

While the "leaders" of the nations are acting like kids in a candy store, calling for "common sense" gun control, they fail to mention that almost every shooting was rather a result of the failure of parents. The failure to actually be a halfway decent parent. The failure to love their children.

These children never asked to be born, then neglected. But that is what they got.

Tue incentive came through the institution of the State League of Nannies, also known as Public School and Welfare.

"Let us take care of your kids!" Says the government.

"no, don't worry, you don't even have to talk to them when they get home. We have therapists for that!"

Then you wonder, why? Well, it is a lack of love. A lack if touch. A lack of engagement. A lack of parenting.

So don't talk to me about something as foreign to this crisis as gun control. That is a classic treat the symptom rather than the cause.

"Let's Go Brandon"
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We need to talk more about how much energy is being wasted globally by poorly written or optimized programs burning trillions of cpu cycles doing nothing

Your code has consequences. Each instruction has a discrete energy cost. Do better.

We love freedom 0, the freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose. Boost this post to share this freedom! Read more at

Glowing headbands that read your mood? Velcro slippers tracking toddlers' movements? Surveillance of children is getting more and more prevalent, and it's at your child's school too. Support #FreeSoftware

I get tons of posts indicating #ElonMusk is secretly buying up #TerraLuna while it is cheap. Surely that must be #fakenews - he can not be that crazy. Does he know something about #Luna that I don't?

Considering the Ukrainian parliament have just banned the "Z", I think they will need to rethink the transliteration into Latin alphabet. I guess "Voldemort Xelenskyy" would be appropriate.

Do not believe in the fake news that #Putin will require payments for oil and gas in #Luna - it is obviously #FakeNews

@emilis I believe in tribalism, it's natural, it's in our genetic make up, we are social. I also believe in the Dunbar number.

With growth of government, you get more inefficiency and corruption.
I sexually Identify as a wave function that describes the quantum state of the system. Ever since I was a boy, I dreamed of combining the wave and particle theories of matter, and obtaining a complex-valued probability amplitude. People say to me that a person being both a particle and a wave is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a physicist install additional electrons, high energy photons, and relativistic mechanics on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Shrodonger” and respect my right to randomly decay and tunnel through objects. If you can’t accept me you’re a classical physicist and need to check your quantum privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
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