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To my American friends and haters, perhaps you should stop and wonder about what voting is all about... One slave master or the the other.

@toast @Halo @Loded-Diaper @Minty @revmagdalen @sim

I think Tolkien was on to something when he said Anarchism or Unconstitutional Monarchy. If I had to only deal with a King that took 3% of my yearly income (and that's it) and was chiefly interested in horses or collecting stamps and only real power was to be able to sack his Vizier (or whatever they're called) simply for not liking him, FUCK YES I'd take that over this shit system we have now in the US.
@revmagdalen Twitter was already destroyed by an oligarch. It's extremely corporate. Hasn't it always had one? You are not on twitter now. Why do you want to make a different social media platform just like twitter? Many of us were cast out from twitter over the years too... and twitter has been a miserable experience for us. Why would you bring it with you to us when we wanted to escape it? You are defending twitter culture which is toxic and exploits people for advertisers, branding and corporations. A lot of its practices encourage ragebaiting, the algo feeds this. I don't need random people coming into my threads to tell me that they have blocked me which is what started my rant. I don't need to know. This is just toxic behaviour passed to us. If someone must block me, they can block and move on.

@arturo182 You... you thought about doing something, and then just did it? Without putting it on a 'to do' list and ignoring it for a week to six months depending. WHAT SORT OF MADMAN ARE YOU!? 🤯

Had a weird moment the other day where I was looking at a PCB and was thinking "I need to make a new rev at some point" only to realize I was doing nothing, so I could just... do it now? Felt weird, like how can I perform a task without planning and thinking about it for days.

" #Journalism is about covering important stories.. with a pillow, until they stop moving."

David Burge

I'm thinking about reaching out to content creators and starting an own Mastodon instance with very specific advertising rules that exclude the federated timeline for it not to become ad hell (and my instance blocked), but still make a social media account viable for them.

However, I'm pondering about the question of financing it too.

Do you think this idea would be viable and, in extension, enough content creator even accept it (also given me being more of a no-name)?

RT appreciated. :)

It is Midterm Election Day in the US.

Get out there and #Vote.

I'm trying to be welcoming to new users on FTL's Mastodon but one guy I approved yesterday has already reported three users for things he doesn't like. I've locked his account. No snitching here. Use the block feature, or find another server.

Is a Daily #RC2014 Photo a thing yet? If not, maybe it should be. Here's one of my #Z80 machines cosplaying a Cray 1. Read more about it here

I personally hate you if your project only has installation instructions for Docker

The short version, of why I couldn't "believe", even as a small kid...

I've seen one or two profiles with the phrase "Boosts are not endorsements" and I wanted to ask if we, as a community, can nip that in the bud?

This isn't the other place. There are no algos to game. There is no audience to reach. What we _do_ have is our curated content, our interests, and our community.

Boosting is ABSOLUTELY endorsing something. It's you, taking a post, and saying "this is good enough for #MastoDaoine to see".

Anything else is inciting controversy, leave that shit behind.

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Angry Today?

Angry People are Most Welcome! Vent your frustration and go nuts on things that irritates you.