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Reasonable Colors is an open-source colour system for making accessible colour palettes.

It uses an intuitive system of shades to help you select colours which meet the appropriate WCAG contrast rating, even if you're mixing and matching base colours:

#opensource #design #ui #uidesign #color #colour #accessibility

@NoOneSpecial @BenjaminBrinckmann @niclas

most recently i've been using it to hold various small electronics and components.

it can be used like any other bowl, with the exclusion of anything wet; the outer surface of the bowl is not treated in any way and the mycelium and hemp will absorb water.

Python, YAML and Make files should be abolished. They are RACIST, because they think that All White Space Matter!

i really like how sane people on the nonwoke side of fedi are.

turns out my crucial mistake back when i first tried fedi (sometime '15 iirc) was that i chose a lame instance :)

@d one time a TV crew was filming a hacker con and asked me to do "hacker stuff" for footage.

So I opened a DOS window, alt-enter to go full screen, executed 'dir/s c:\' and just let them film the screen while it was running.

:msdos:​ 📹​:blobglare: :blobowo:

:boost_ok: :ablobcatwave: Please boost this post if you would like the EFF to join the fediverse. :ablobcatbongo:

In a survey the EFF sent me, I suggested they create an account on the fediverse, so they can reach more supporters and support innovative free software that promotes interoperability among platforms, something they've advocated for in the past, too.

If you can boost this post, maybe I'll be able to show them that there are quite a few users who would like them here!

The EFF is the infamous nonprofit organisation that fights for privacy, government transparency, and digital freedom. Their fight is very important, and the EFF is very special to me.

You can see some of their work here

In the meantime, you can follow @eff, which is an unofficial mirror of their Twitter.

Politicians; "Having Standards are good. Having Double Standards are twice as good."

wouldn't it be much easier for Elon to run a mastodon server than to buy Twitter?

"How can I best assist my wife with a career transition?"

Why not just get a new wife that already has the desired career?

The bluecheks are threatening to make Twitter a better place by leaving.

No anything but that! No Checkies, NOOOOOO
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