This is an interesting and insightful talk. And the idea is definitely good. But it can't be the whole story IMO.
Just making sure the rules are clear and there's due process isn't enough. Not everyone can agree on what the rules *should be*. And democracy isn't a solution either. It's too collectivistic.
If a site, say, bans anything that contradicts the scientific consensus (even if they are very clear about what that means and follow all these due process rules), there should be an outlet for people who want to be able to do that, and that can only be solved (AFAICS) by competition of rulesets and enforcers. This is the case even if a majority of people voted for that rule.


So, according to Casey, we shouldn't build parallel systems as this is useful with human resources, and instead build a parallel system filled with very inefficient, limited and expensive human resources (lawyers) that doesn't scale??

His analogy with the city water system doesn't hold water (pun intended). Parley's ban is like the water treatment plant kicking off the city, because a restaurant has a sign in its window.

IMHO, a statist's grasp after "please be more fair".

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