
@admin @caekislove

Unlike you two, I am not a racist and don't judge people by group belonging but the individual's behavior and action.

So take your authoritarian nonsense and BS somewhere else.

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@niclas @admin You're stupid then. Racism is both rational and natural. Not being racist could even cost you your life.


Unlike you, I’m not breeding and I don’t judge pitbulls differently from beagles and golden retrievers. I put my face right near all their mouths because I judge them by their individual actions.

@admin @caekislove

Come on guise per capita is a trick the white man uses to keep the black man down with lies

@admin @caekislove
@niclas @admin @caekislove Oh we don't want you to be like us, you are dysgenic, subpar, defective. You're perfectly fine to live your profligate lumpenproletarian lifestyle, away from us with the nigger cattle you clearly identify more with.

@sargoysmuck @niclas @admin Whites literally called off our space program in the 70's to free the money up to give to ungrateful blacks and they rewarded us with more murder and hatred than ever.

It's niggers. It's always been niggers and their Jewish masters.
@admin @caekislove

@CrustyB @niclas @admin They literally have no history. Every event celebrated" buring nigger history month is some variant of "nigger does something for the first time that Whites did at least 500 years prior". Nobody gives a fuck about who was the 1,000th person to climb Mt. Everest.

I get tingles every time I think of that sheboon standing up to a bus driver.

@CrustyB @niclas @admin FIGHT the POWER ✊ (I don't have access to the nigger version of this fist on Gleasonator)

@caekislove @niclas @admin @CrustyB no African language can adequately describe manufacture, or the time line for the use of penicillin. They cant even say, take 4 of these over a day for the next 3 days. they lack the ability to think and speak in practical time and process. How are you going to educate that to modern usefulness?

This guy who went to Africa said they had no words for degrees. If something was "up a tree" it was simply up, they had no language for 'high up" or "low up." Subhuman savages.

@CrustyB @niclas @admin @caekislove there is then, now, soon... for time. Color is dark or light. distance is far, near. all subjective without relative association.

@caekislove @CrustyB @niclas @admin Every single major black political figure in the world's platform is just some variant of "gib me dat"
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