FORTH, the ultimately dynamic programming language!

Do you insist on having Exceptions in a language? In Forth, you add that in Forth itself.

Do you like classes and objects? In Forth, you add that in Forth itself.

Control structures like IF, SWITCH, FOR, REPEAT? In Forth, you add those in Forth itself.

Want a type system? Runtime disassembler? You know the drill.

All available in the smallest footprint imaginable, and without C. Mecrisp Stellaris for STM32 is <20kB.

Oh I forgot; FORTH is so down-sized that it can be implemented in silicon.
From the Green Array's 144 cores CPU (clusters of cores are intended to implement MCU peripherals) to the popular J1, MicroCore and many others.


Forth contains its compiler in the runtime! So, you can always compile/evaluate Forth source code in runtime.

So for me, each expansion module has a small EEPROM with the source code to execute the functionality of the module. Yet, can easily be updated by simply modifying the text in the EEPROM.
So, why stop at expansion modules. I am putting an EEPROM on the carrier board, which will contain the "driver" for it.

Loving It!

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