Does anyone has information on how to set up Kubernetes on bare metal, reasonably easily??

I am so sick of the "Kubernetes in 10 minutes" all expecting me to feed the Amazon/Google/Alibaba/DigitalOcean/DataDog/Microsoft/++ monsters?

Please re-toot. Thanks!


And I mean "production cluster" and not minikube or something like that for development.

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Thanks for the link.

And straight off the bat, one gets confronted with "You must deploy a Container Network Interface (CNI) based Pod network add-on so that your Pods can communicate with each other. " as some kind of prerequisite and directed to an endless pit of choice;

But many of those use kubectl to install, which is confusing... Arent't they needed before k8s is up?

I will make an attempt tomorrow and see how it goes...

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