Elon Musk is releasing info that Twitter colluded with government against the people.

So assuming that Twitter is guilty of criminal conspiracy with the State, then it would be funny to see a multi-billion dollar fine on Twitter for its crimes.

When is a company responsible for the actions of its employees, and when should actual humans be punished?

IF actual people were responsible, then we would see less of companies breaking laws. ATM, it is just "cost of doing business".

@niclas If Twitter is guilty of criminal conspiracy with the State, Twitter is a tiny part of the problem. The real Danger is the participation of the State. I doubt they will be held responsible.


@Phil Well, we know that the State needs a scapegoat, and sure easy to blame this corporation, rather than taking responsibility themselves.

The State is nothing more than a well-coordinated GANG OF PEOPLE with a incredible Marketing Department.

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