I’ve been shopping around for the least terrible programming language according to my current tastes, and for every new language that disappoints me I’m experiencing an ominously growing sense of dread that the answer I’m looking for might turn out to be Scala.

Which is sufficiently terrifying that I may just have to sit down and write my own damned language. Or perhaps fork Idris and do crimes to it.

Although if anyone happens to know of a good high level programming language with higher kinded types, type classes, dependent types or at least type level macros, that is not pure or at least has an effect system so transparent that it might as well not be, and that isn’t so overloaded with syntax and features it might as well be C++, I’d definitely be all ears.

One that isn’t Scala, that is.


Everyone should have a pink pony and a tight actor system, a race condition free language (guaranteed).

I absolutely love Actors, and when built-in, strongly typed and basically "if it compiles it runs without hanging or unexpected behaviors", that compiles down to an executable....

However, community is incredibly tiny and initial learning curve can be frightening, or as I like to call it Mission Impossible? Challenge Accepted.


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@niclas I have a lot of love for Pony but it’s very far from meeting the above criteria.

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