@lupyuen Interesting. In something like audio, you need sub 1ms timing. I don't think there's any Linux that will do this. I actually wonder if RISCOS would be good for real-time systems.

My big dream is to have some kind of RP2040/Pi combo, so one can have fast and proper real-time where necessary.



There is a Real-time Linux kernel, but way (years, I think) behind the HEAD.

Used in various industrial systems, maybe in weapon systems.

The article author seems to have a weak understanding of real-time systems in general, especially around hard vs soft.

Audio is clearly not a particularly difficult thing, IF you can buffer, which basically all do to some extent.
If you don't (i.e. <5 samples) buffer, not only is the deadline critical. No timing variance allowed.


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I use STM32F405/F446 for audio processing in modular synthesizer products.

To get there, variance of 3-4 microseconds on the 20.8microsecond target is audible, and had to be clever to solve that.

The software doesn't do buffering (well, technically 1 sample).

The software/ is a bit gnarly to navigate, since several hardwares are to be supported (just gave up on CH32V307 Risc-V mcu), but the base audio processing is in components/demiurge


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