i wonder if propaganda was as bullshit a century ago as it is now


@bonifartius Edward Bernays "invented" propaganda about 100 years ago. Book came out in the late 1920s. The word was scrubbed after Nazi Germany had been so effective with it, and used the term explicitly (Proganda Minister Goebbels).
The Allies re-termed their own propaganda machines to "Public Service".

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@bonifartius Thanks for that. I have never read it.

Opening paragraph already gives me chills; "Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country."

@bonifartius Also, it seems that Bernays book is a lot about restoring the "reputation" of the word "propaganda", that got tarnished in the previous war...
It worked once, but I think the bad connotations are here to stay.

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