So let me get this straight:

Github scanned a bunch of open source projects.

They trained an AI with it.

They basically ignored the licenses and tried to shove a "because we are basically copying GPL code, it doesn't mean the result is GPL".

And now they are charging for it?

@sadmin @juliobiason What’s mindblowing is not what MS is doing. It’s how many the #FOSS projects still today continue to willfully empower #Microsoft by hosting their projects on #Github, and forcing all users into MS’s walled garden just to file a bug report. The people theoretically on the side of software freedom ignore the 10s/100s of public forges¹.



Question; Is there a Git solution with a Fediverse-approach? I.e. many instances looking like one, and instance admins can strengthen and weaken the collaboration across instances and so on...

@juliobiason @sadmin

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