@deprecated_ii ok, nursing bras for $25 if you don't have special (valid) medical reasons for pump n stuff. vs. the formula racket raking in constant profits.

this is 100% about more profits and grtting women to work sooner as generating profits for someone else is the purpose in life.


That woke post tries to be utterly PC but still fails on the finishing line with "mothers"...

And the usual False Equivalence Fallacy, with "some women can't breastfeed" but the true statement is in the "many don't want to", and are unaware/ignorant of that the babies health and development will be at higher risk as a result. Again, it is all "me, me, me" in focus, rather than one's offspring. Sad!


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Nah @niclas I think @bonifartius makes more sense here, given the context this is purely about defending no parental leave: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parental_leave

It is not empowering even in the most toxic way (me, me, me) since USian women has no choice to stay at home and breastfeed their children if they want to. And guess what, infants still need to be fed and provided general care anyway, so that needs to be outsourced, creating more jobs and better for the economy I guess :meowShrugSmirk:

Cc: @deprecated_ii

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