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Woman Sues Plastic Surgeon For Performing Breast Enlargement Surgery On Her Underage Breasts Without Parental Consent

Dim Witted Woman Actually Thought Insurance Company Would Cover Her Medical Cost

Afghans Demand Their Government End Laws That Disproportionately Penalize Brown People: "Legalize It."

ESP32-i3 was announced today by Mr Teoh (CEO at Espressif) on WeChat @lupyuen

Gay Community Makes Public Statement Accusing The Woke Community Of Being "Gay"

Woke Folk Generally Recognized As The Primary Obstacle To Lasting Social Reform: "No way bro, I was never woke -- I've always hated Mexicans."

Old Man Does Not Discriminate: "I'm the same around all hot chicks with big boobs."

nextcloud updates rant 

Example of an understatement: nextcloud updates are not working.

It amazes me how they manage to fuck it up every time with almost the exact same problems yet failing to fix the update process in the next version. (See recurring forum posts on stuck updater.)

Their main feature is the lack of a feature equivalent alternative at the moment. (Especially nextcloud talk)

But for some use cases I already discovered some seemingly feasible solutions like seafile.

Lazada (Alibaba subsidiary) openly admits to THEFT. IF you pay with bank transfer, and there is a Refund, then you have a limited amount of time to claim that before they simply steal it.
I have been promised re-instatement of the nearly $100 that they took within 2 days. We'll see how that goes, or

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