“The #fediverse is like #email.”


Now read this and understand it:

“I have been self-hosting my email since I got my first broadband connection at home in 1999 … But my emails are just not delivered anymore. I might as well not have an email server.

Email is now an oligopoly, a service gatekept by a few big companies which does not follow the principles of net neutrality … I lost. We lost. One cannot reliably deploy independent email servers.“


Via @cancel



Another observation; I used GMail from its start to about 3 years ago. Spam folder used to hover around 2500 mails, and Spam folder was limited to 30 days, so ~80 spam per day.

After I run my own server (again), that has dropped to ~10-20/day.

Somehow the spammers don't want to send to my server. I (seriously) wonder why?


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