Keeping a green mowed lawn is expensive, labour intensive, water intensive and, let's face it, noisy and annoying.
What do we get in return?
Little more than avoided criticism from uptight neighbours and nosy resident associations. It gives us nothing except keeping us from being (wrongly) judged in our neighbourhood.
We can do better.

But criticism and peer pressure are certainly a strong force. So we need to start by talking about it. We need to discuss the absurdity of lawns with those around us and get them excited about the alternatives.

If you are renting, this might be even harder or even impossible. But you can try.

Or you could try seed bombs or guerrilla gardening instead. 😏


Wild gardens can also be perfectly suitable for leisure and recreation. We have been brainwashed into believing everyone needs a green flat square to sit in. But they are lifeless and dull.
Our kids will have more adventures and grow to be curious and filled with wonder when their environment is richer.


@pezmico Interestingly enough, my "wild garden" got the attention of the city hall (Sweden) and a demand (with threat of hefty fine) that I made it look "nice". The saving grace was that the next door lots were overgrown and owned by the city hall, so I replied I only tried to fit into the local environment, referencing their land.

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@niclas gottem. Did they mow their one AND yours next?

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