@neauoire How do you learn it though?

I found just some resouces that look OK, but not impressed.



Also which assembler to start with? Some old simpler one? WebAssembly? And then how to run it?


Assembly is only impressive because it is direct manipulation of the CPU itself. No nasty middleman, a.k.a programming language.

Get yourself a development board of an Arduino or ESP32, and feel the joy when a LED blinks due to your newfound Assembler Magic Powers.
It is soooo easy nowadays.

@neauoire @zens

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0

@zens @niclas @borko odd, I think it's because you're mentioned further down that original thread..?

@neauoire @niclas @borko yeah remembering that i got prissy about webassembly. god i’m insufferable

@neauoire @niclas @borko i’ve changed so much in the last 6 months i don’t recognise myself there! surreal

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